gstuning wrote:
Meira að segja notan non M3 gaurar E500 diska redrillaða.
Verst gæti verið að fá nógu góðann adapter, enn það getur vel verið að þú getur hreinlega keypt hann beint frá Brembo eða látið verkstæði búa hann til,
verður að fylgjast með offsettinu líka,
diskarnir gætu ekki passað ef offsettið er allt annað á SLR.
enn það kemur bara í ljós bráðlega ekki satt
Jú. Eftir svona 2-3 vikur, ég verð á ferðalagi núna í viku þannig að ég næ ekki að fara með hann fyrr en þá. Auk þess þarf ég að kaupa 18" felgur fyrst, þannig að ég geti keyrt heim.
Hver hefði haldið að SLR kæmi orginal með 18"... allavega ekki ég.
Varðandi ON/OFF virkni bremsanna
Unfortunately, the brakes do not match the handling. On paper, ceramic discs, 370mm front with 8-piston calliper, 360mm rear with 4-piston calliper seems to be a winning formula. Yes, they are really powerful and fade-free under hard use, but the pedal is unusually difficult to modulate. All is blame to the complicated, brake-by-wire, Mercedes Sensotronic Brake Control. SBC has been used in the SL-class quite well, but in the higher performance SLR and mates with ceramic brake discs it is simply disastrous. As there is no hydraulic linkage between brakes and pedal, as it measures only the pedal travel to determine brake force, the pedal feel is always soft and the driver cannot feel the exact state of braking. As a result, you can easily overbrake or underbrake the car. If you want to stop the car hard, that’s fine, just press the pedal to the bottom. If you want to slow down the car into a corner, you will find it is very difficult to apply the braking smoothly, blame to the lack of pedal feel and the poor calibration of the system.
I can’t believe Gordon Murray needed SBC. A conventional hydraulic braking system is just fine and save weight, why bother with an unnecessary technology? he must thought so. Unfortunately, the German might think otherwise. They want to show more technologies to their customers - seems that ABS, ESP, DSC and "air brake" are not enough to them.
Ekkert SBC (sucker brake control) á 1995 BMW